Wednesday, November 4, 2009

EVEN and ODD Functions


A function is even if replacing x with -x does not change the original function.

The graph of an even function is symmetric about the y-axis.

Since f(-x) = f(x); point (x,y) share the same y value as point (-x,y).


*notice points (3,3) and (-3,3) and also note how it is symmetric about the y-axis.


A function is odd if replacing x with -x results in changing all terms of the original function. The graph of an odd function is symmetric about the origin(0.0).

Since f(-X) = -f(x); point (x,y) lies on the graph only if (-x,-y) lies on the graph.


* Note how it is symmetric about (0,0)

*Figure 5 is an Even Function, Figure 6 is an Odd Function


  1. "Since f(-x) = f(x); point (x,y) share the same y value as point (-x,y)."
    "Since f(-X) = -f(x); point (x,y) lies on the graph only if (-x,-y) lies on the graph."

    How did you move from function form such as f(-x)=f(x) to the two coordinate form of (x, y) and (-x, y)? This jump was a little sudden in your explanation, but other than that, this looks great Wendy! How are you making all these graphs?

  2. Nice explanation Wendy
    kinda gave me a better idea of what odd and even functions are

  3. Wendy!
    Veryy straightforward and easy to comprehend :D
    I like your graph "notes"

  4. Nice explanation! I like the graphs you used too.
    Hey, doesn't f(x)=x^3 remind you of Ms.Hwang's clock?? XD
