Tuesday, November 24, 2009

majors and colleges

3 Majors
It is kind of cliche that my asian parents would want me to do something or become someone somewhere in the medical field. But after all, it is not what they want, it is my life, its what I want. However, I do pursue interest in the medical field. But i am also artist. and here are my 3 major choices:

1. Pharmacology- they study drugs and what its made of, its sources, how it effects the body, and how its used to treat medical conditions.

2. Anesthesiologist Assistance- they help doctors and nurses provide anesthesia care to patients before, during, and after surgery.

3.Studio Arts - students get to explore and try out new medias that they might like.

3 Colleges
Santa Barbara, CA
although located in a suburban setting, it has a large number of under grads, a total of 18,892. because it is a big school. Also not too far from the valley.

2. a college that has an Anesthesiologist Assistance major was not found. however I looked up Surgical Technology and RN, and this is the college that I found most interesting:

Loma Linda University

It is well known for its nursing program, and had a small campus of only 1177 under grads, however, here's the catch.. All LLU programs require previous college credit, thus no first-time freshman applicants accepted. Specific programs are applied to rather than generally to the university. So the idea is go to a community college first then transfer?????

3. University of California: Berkeley
is very famous but very hard to get into. I repeat.. VERY HARD!!! applicants admitted: 22% compared to UCLA's 23%. and you think UCLA is hard to get into huh???

well.. it really depends on the major.

There's a lot more that we've not heard of. This website is very useful.
We often limit ourselves to looking at the well known places. But other places may be good too.

Searching for colleges is kind of fun!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Tips and Hints!

1. How i remember transformation??
what i remember is that what ever is done to "x" (the input) is the other way around. and since its been added or subtracted to the x it moves along the x axis. say you add 4 to x... your graph shifts 4 units left. and say you subtract 4 to x.. your graph moves 4 units to the right.
but when things are added or subtracted from the output.. add means up. subtract means down.
for example.. f(x)= sin (x+π) -2. the graph shifts π to left and moves down 2 units.

2.hmmmm trigonometry is pretty broad.. well i'd say as long as you remember the measurements of the circle then its fine. really.. all the are are just rations. fractions.. whatever. at 30 degrees.. its π/6 simply because 60 degrees is 1/6 of 360. graphing is simple.
example: since we know that sin 0= 0, at x=0, y=0
and sin 90 degrees= 1. then just graph it and the transformation should be simple.

3. what worries me: graphing log takes time for me to do but i understand it now. all i have to do is know my graphs well. again graphing log is still my main concern. and solving log. but i don't think thats considered trigonometry. does it??????

My main advice: study your cards!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Logarithm and inverses

1. something i understood:
  • there can not be an inverse without an original function
  • i have learned that in order to find the inverse of a graph, we switch the input and output of the original graph. here's an example:

  • f(ƒ−1(x)) = ƒ−1(f(x)) = x

2. what i do not understand:
many things that i did not understant
  • how to graph log.. uh huh. thats right. not at all.

  • i also do not under stand how to find x in a case like this: ln (y-1) - ln 2 = x + ln x
(it is when one x is behind "ln" and one is not. i do not know how to separate that x from ln x and put the x's to one side)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

EVEN and ODD Functions


A function is even if replacing x with -x does not change the original function.

The graph of an even function is symmetric about the y-axis.

Since f(-x) = f(x); point (x,y) share the same y value as point (-x,y).


*notice points (3,3) and (-3,3) and also note how it is symmetric about the y-axis.


A function is odd if replacing x with -x results in changing all terms of the original function. The graph of an odd function is symmetric about the origin(0.0).

Since f(-X) = -f(x); point (x,y) lies on the graph only if (-x,-y) lies on the graph.


* Note how it is symmetric about (0,0)

*Figure 5 is an Even Function, Figure 6 is an Odd Function