1. What is the DIFFERENCE between finding the limit of a function at x=c and actually plugging in the number x=c? When are the two cases the SAME?
2.What are the SIMILARITIES between finding the derivative and finding the slope of a line? What are the DIFFERENCES between the two?
Similarities: find the slope and the derivative both are the change of y/ change of x. The process of finding both the slope and derivative require that you find the secant line first.
Differences: In the finding the derivative, we find the tangent line of the point by finding the secant line (picking two points close by) then bring them closer to x=c (or wherever you are finding the derivative for) this is done with limits.
so basically, finding the derivative is like finding the tangent line at that one exact point; whereas finding the slope, you pick two points .(well thats how i would put it)
Excited about monday. Its going to be funny!!